⭐️ Funding Drive ⭐️

Nov 26 - Dec 2, 2022


Who We Are

Project Calgary is a volunteer-run initiative started by local community advocates with the vision of focusing the knowledge and ambition of a diverse group of community leaders to build a modern, 21st century Calgary that thrives economically, culturally, environmentally and socially.

We are independent and are not funded by any political parties or unions.


What We've Done

In recent years, the team behind Project Calgary has helped achieve massive victories that include the approval of Calgary’s Cycle Track Network, better transit like the Southwest BRT and Green Line LRT, city-wide secondary suites, less suburban sprawlCOVID-19 public health protections, lower residential speed limits, and more social programs. Most recently, we supported successful advocacy efforts fixing Calgary's 2023-2026 budget to deliver on priorities for Calgarians.

We Need Your Help to Keep Going

Every year, for one week we hold our Funding Drive where we ask the community for support to help us continue making Calgary better. Our goal for this year is to raise $8,000 to cover our technology costs. 100% of the money raised will go directly to pay for the digital tools that keep our advocacy platform going throughout the year. 


Can you chip in $25, $100 or $500 dollars today?


⭐️$8,000 Goal Reached⭐️

🚀Stretch Goal: $10,000🚀


Total Raised:


raised of a $10,000.00 goal

1. Amount


2. Your information

Contributions are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information

Payment processor by Stripe